Discover untapped revenue in your DTC business model

Our calculator compares your KPIs against the averages in your industry and against over 100M customer journeys processed by Function Growth. Find out how much untapped revenue lies in the data you already own.

Trusted by

Shady Rays
Ami Wellness

Input the KPIs below and click "Calculate" to get started

Average conversion rate info
Average Order Value info
Please enter a value over $1.5M info

Your privacy is our priority. Rest assured, all data entered here is secure and will remain confidential.

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Estimated Total Incremental Lift

Based on your current annual revenue, this is an estimation of the incremental lift you could achieve using the Function Growth Shopify App.

Please note that these figures should be used as a guideline and actual results may vary. Book a free consultation with our team for a detailed breakdown of your potential revenue growth.

Drive Impact info

Convert Impact info

Boost Impact info

Repeat Impact info